Injured in an Accident With a Truck or 18-Wheeler?
You need the best legal representation.

Truck Accident Cases are Different Than Car Accident Cases

First, you need to realize that cases involving accidents with trucks, 18-wheelers, delivery trucks and commercial vehicles are different than car accident cases, for a number of reasons. Each state has minimum limits for the amount of insurance that must be carried by drivers of personal vehicles. Commercial vehicles and 18-wheelers also have mandatory minimum insurance limits. However, the minimum amount of insurance for 18-wheelers and commercial vehicles is typically much higher than the insurance limits for personal vehicles. In Texas, for instance, the minimum insurance limit for personal vehicles is only $25,000, while commercial vehicles and 18-wheelers may be required to have at least $500,000 or even $1,000,000 in insurance.


Truck Accident

Because commercial vehicles and 18-wheelers are required to have higher insurance limits, the insurance adjusters and lawyers working on these claims tend to be more sophisticated. For example, when a crash happens involving an 18-wheeler truck, often the insurance adjusters and/or lawyers will go to the scene of the accident within hours to start their investigation. This gives them a huge head start in the legal process.

Another reason that truck accidents are different is because the trucking companies tend to hire lawyers with significantly more experience defending trucking cases. These lawyers are familar with the special laws and regualtions that cover truck drivers and trucking companies, giving them yet another advantage in the legal process.

Why You Need Our Houston Accident Attorneys on Your Side Immediately

A lot of lawyers accept car accident cases. However, not many lawyers have experience handling truck accident cases, especially those involving significant injuries. Unlike most lawyers, our Houston law firm has the experience, resources, and reputation to take on the largest, most sophisticated trucking companies in the world. At our firm, we have handled hundreds of accidents involving 18-wheelers, commercial trucks, and company vehicles. Read about some of our truck accident victories here.

How Our Experience With Truck Accident Cases Benefits You

When you hire our firm, the trucking company’s insurance adjusters and lawyers will know that you are serious about protecting your legal rights. The insurance companies keep careful records of law firms that they go up against. They know which law firms they should fear and which law firms they do not need to fear. Our law firm has a long, well-deserved reputation of winning these types of cases, and when you hire our law firm, you are getting our decades of experience on your side.

Another benefit to you is the settlement amount offered from the insurance company. When they evaluate how much money to pay in a settlement, one of the things they look for is whether the law firm has a history of winning large settlements. When you hire our law firm, the insurance companies know from the very beginning that they aren’t going to be able to “low ball” you or offer you a small settlement. With some other law firms, the insurance companies may believe that they can offer you a smaller settlement than you deserve.

Waiting to Hire a Lawyer Can Hurt Your Case and Your Financial Recovery

While you may believe the insurance company is “working with you,” that is usually not the case. In fact, insurance adjusters are trained to treat you nicely, to lead you to believe that they want to pay you a fair settlement, and to convince you not to hire your own attorney.

In any serious accident case, it is almost guaranteed that the insurance company and its lawyers will get to work immediately. At the accident scene, the insurance adjusters and lawyers will take photographs, measurements, and talk to the police officers and witnesses in an attempt to get a “leg up” on the legal process. They know that you are focused on your injuries, getting proper medical care, or getting your car fixed–not a legal case–and knowing this gives them a huge advantage early on.

That’s one reason it is almost never a good idea to wait to hire a law firm in a serious truck accident case. By waiting, you are giving the insurance company and lawyers a chance to improve their odds in a court case to your disadvantage.

We Help You Level the Playing Field and Protect Your Legal Rights After a Truck Accident

By hiring our law firm immediately, you can level the playing field. When you hire our law firm, we get to work immediately. We obtain the police report, we take witness statements, and we recreate the accident using scientific and engieering experts. We get to work before evidence is lost or witnesses disappear or forget what happened. By gathering evidence immediately, we are able to put your case on the fast track to a fair settlement. A settlement that is controlled and dictated by you, not by the insurance company.

We handle truck accident cases on a nationwide basis. We have handled cases against the largest trucking and insurance companies in the world, and won.